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Running Firefox as another user, using sudo
Peer's certificate has an invalid signature. (solved)
PFS in Firefox
Safe browsing
Nokia's 3D maps


I copied the "/usr/bin/firefox" script, then renamed that(copy) to "/usr/bin/firefox-InternetApps". Using the visudo, add this '/usr/bin/firefox-InternetApps' into the NOPASSWD line. If someone wants to further modify the 'firefox-InternetApps' script, then they can do so. Now create a Firefox Profile inside firefox for 'InternetApps' user : sudo -u InternetApps -H firefox-InternetApps -profilemanager -no-remote & A window will appear, to allow you to add new Profile(s), create 'InternetApps'. Start firefox & then exit from it. Now following command will start firefox & take us inside the 'InternetApps' profile : sudo -u InternetApps -H firefox-InternetApps -p InternetApps -no-remote & I copied the "/usr/bin/firefox" script (not a link) file, then renamed that (copied) file to "firefox-ia", open "firefox-ia" with a text editor, keep only the top two lines, delete all other lines, then add our commandline, it should look like this: #!/bin/sh # sudo -u InternetApps -H firefox-InternetApps -p InternetApps -no-remote & # end of file Then simply type : "firefox-ia" , (without the quote symbols,) to run firefox (under a non root user and with a different firefox profile). ... This process worked on centos 5.6 firefox 3.6.17. ~ Bry8Star.
To use or run other multiple internet applications as a non root or less privileged user, following can be done : Create another user name "InternetApps", instead of "ff", in the way mentioned in the main article. In this article (author 'Calum') & in user comment 3, replace the all word "ff" with "InternetApps". List your other internet applications like this: yourusername yourhostname=(InternetApps) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/firefox, /usr/bin/xchat, /usr/bin/thunderbird In my case i used 'root' as 'yourusername', and i used 'localhost' in place of 'yourhostname". To run Firefox in centos, i used: sudo -u InternetApps -H firefox & To run thunderbird: sudo -u InternetApps -H thunderbird & ... Now, enjoy safer websurfing & safer internet accessing. This comment shared with you & submitted by Bry8Star.
in centos, worked. Thanks. from root user's gnome-desktop's terminal window, i had to do this: sudo -u ff -H xhost sudo -u ff -H firefox how can i run firefox, xchat, etc multiple internet applications by using a same non root username (for example, username: 'InternetApps') ?
You don't need sudo rights and you don't have to edit sudoers file to archieve this now. (Maybe this is easier in 2020. I tried in ~2012 to make this work, but without succes) Now you need to add this line to "ff":s .bashrc export DISPLAY=:0.0 and run as your normal user this: xhost +local: then just write: su ff and then when you have a terminal as ff, you can start firefox or any other program, by: firefox
Nice. Not as safe as "chrooting" firefox but should work.
when we open a web site in mozilla firefox, it shows "peer's certificate has invalid signature" how it can be solved
Maybe xhost SI:localuser:ff && sudo -u ff firefox is better?