YouFibre IPv6

Tags: internet, review, ipv6, isp, fttp, bgp, youfibre,

Added: 2024-08-20T00:00

YouFibre IPv6

YouFibre supports IPv6, which is great! Thank you, YouFibre!

There are a few issues though.

I'm only allocated a single /64

At least that I can see.
I'm not sure how to get a /56 or /48 routed to me, or whether they support that.
The eero is very restricted in what settings there are, so it might be that if I use my OpenWRT-flashed router as the main router I'd be able to request a /56.

The Eero app shows 3 IPv6 global addresses

2 of the 3 are pingable from the Internet, but I'm not sure which is actually assigned to my eero.
The first one displayed in the eero is the one with the highest ping time from an external host, so I assume it's that one.
The second one is 3.4 ms "faster", so I'm not sure where that is (or why it's showing on my eero app if it's not on my equipment. 3.4 ms at the speed of light (in a vacuum) is 633 miles, so who knows where it is. (Light travels around 66% the speed of light in fibre, so it wouldn't be that far, maybe around 400 miles, but essentially, it could be anywhere in the UK)

There is quite a lot of loss over IPv6 (which isn't there over IPv4)

I ran mtr from a wired host in my house for 180 seconds, and this is what I saw.
Interestingly, running a standard ping doesn't show the same loss:
ping6 -i 0.2 -c 1000
1000 packets transmitted, 1000 received, 0% packet loss, time 200474ms

I should try and get Smokeping running but it needs some fiddling around with to make it work in Docker on IPv6.

YouFibre's IPv6 route announced in BGP seems to get withdrawn every hour or so for a few seconds

I think this is what my Broadband Quality Monitor graph shows.

If you don't have a BGP peering (which I don't), you can still see the live updates at Set the prefix to YouFibre's IPv6 allocation (2a0e:1d40::/29), tick the "less specific box", and set the host to null (all). You might have to wait a while until an update occurs.

You can also see a few days of historical data for the same prefix at (hit play)
It looks as though the route to AS1299 goes down regularly.

Please note though that I'm still very happy with any level of IPv6.
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