Size of cricket grounds

Tags: cricket, sport,

Added: 2024-10-05T00:00

Size of cricket grounds

For some reason, I started wondering about the size of cricket grounds. Don't ask.
Not the seating capacity, but the actual size of the grounds.
Unlike cricket, rugby, etc, there isn't a fixed size - cricket grounds were put wherever there was a bit of space, and they vary, although most are 130-140 metres.

I have used information found online, and the measuring tools in Google Maps where I couldn't find it to make this list of cricket grounds.
I measure the maximum distance between two sides of the ground from the edges of the seating or where the grass ends - actual playing area will be less, due to advertising boards, dugouts, where the boundary rope is placed, etc.

You can find the sizes of cricket grounds here.

Posted by Calum on 2024-10-05T00:00 under: cricket, sport,
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