The Wikipedia Game

Tags: wikipedia, game,

Added: 2007-04-19T00:00

The Wikipedia Game

I think we invented a new game at work today.

We weren't sure if Nelson had one eye, and one arm, or if we were mixing his injuries up with someone else.

Of course, Wikipedia told us that yes, indeed, he was dually disabled.

And then we hit upon a plan. Try to go from Article X, to Article Y in 5 clicks or less.
A few ground rules were:
* Only to destination pages with > 10 articles linking to it.
* Pages that are broken into different pages (e.g. A-M, M-Z) for the sake of limiting page size count as one page.

We discussed whether we thought it would be possible, and Nicky said that he thought he could get to anywhere from Nelson.

I thought of a really unrelated one - Ectoplasm, which he was confident he could get to. I was absolutely sure he couldn't, so I bet him £10.

I'll bring the money in next week, Nicky.

It goes like this.
Start: Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson
1. Ghosts of Albion (I must say, I was a bit unlucky with this, I think)
2. Ghosts
3. Ghostbusters
4. Ghostbusters Equipment
5. Ectoplasm

After that, we tried: Ectoplasm to Juniper Networks, and then Juniper Networks to Peebles.

Ectoplasm was a hard one to get from, as it mainly consists of fairly specific links related to the supernatural. See if you can get it.

It's remarkably hard to find un-linkable ones. Pick some random pages yourselves, and try and make the link.
If you find any really tricky ones, add them as comments here.

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