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New York, 2010
Enjoyable development
Amateur radio
A pale blue dot
Security Threat Level
That Mitchell and Webb Sound
Britain needs a better anthem
Iran makes plans to sell oil in Euros
Russian sayings
TV series to watch
Public transport in the UK
The Wikipedia Game
US debt - $7 trillion, and counting.
Talking with spacemen
Argentina 2010
Recommended hardware
Spain 2010
UK voting system
I'm all slaved out
Email blacklists
Talk Like a Pirate! Arrr!


I copied the "/usr/bin/firefox" script, then renamed that(copy) to "/usr/bin/firefox-InternetApps". Using the visudo, add this '/usr/bin/firefox-InternetApps' into the NOPASSWD line. If someone wants to further modify the 'firefox-InternetApps' script, then they can do so. Now create a Firefox Profile inside firefox for 'InternetApps' user : sudo -u InternetApps -H firefox-InternetApps -profilemanager -no-remote & A window will appear, to allow you to add new Profile(s), create 'InternetApps'. Start firefox & then exit from it. Now following command will start firefox & take us inside the 'InternetApps' profile : sudo -u InternetApps -H firefox-InternetApps -p InternetApps -no-remote & I copied the "/usr/bin/firefox" script (not a link) file, then renamed that (copied) file to "firefox-ia", open "firefox-ia" with a text editor, keep only the top two lines, delete all other lines, then add our commandline, it should look like this: #!/bin/sh # sudo -u InternetApps -H firefox-InternetApps -p InternetApps -no-remote & # end of file Then simply type : "firefox-ia" , (without the quote symbols,) to run firefox (under a non root user and with a different firefox profile). ... This process worked on centos 5.6 firefox 3.6.17. ~ Bry8Star.